Bring me to your Yoga Teacher Training
I LOVE helping out local and international 200hr and 300hr Yoga Teacher Trainings. Whatever topic you need, large or small, I am happy to be of service.
Looking to fill a gap in your unique and wonderful YTT? I’m more than qualified to help out. I have led and co-led over 20 YTTs for The School Yoga Institute, taught individual modules for many others, have thousands of hours of teaching experience (classes, workshops, retreats, and more), and thousands of hours continuing education, including an M.A. in East-West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies.
Feel free to choose from any of the modules below, or message me for a custom lesson plan specifically designed for your unique training.
Anatomy for Yoga Teachers (8-20 hours)
Physiology for Yogis (3-8 hours)
Patanjali’s Yoga Philosophy (4-12 hours)
History of Yoga (1-15 hours)
Sanskrit for Yoga Teachers (1-4 hours)
Sequencing for Yoga Teachers (1-20 hours)
Alignment and Adjustments for Yoga Teachers (1-50 hours)
Yoga Teaching Ethics (1-4 hours)
Business, Marketing, and Branding for Yoga Teachers (1-10 hours)
Meditation (1-20 hours)
Following a Yogic Diet (1-5 hours)
Teaching Yin Yoga (1-6 hours)
Arm Balances, Inversions, and/or Handstands (1-10 hours)
The Art of Yoga and Poetry (1-4 hours)
Acroyoga and/or Partner Yoga (1-8 hours)
Thai Massage for Yoga Teachers (1-15 hours)
Kirtan, Bhakti, and Spiritual Songs (1-4 hours, optional cacao ceremony)
Pranayama and Bandhas (1-4 hours)
Special topics such as love, self-love, intimacy, connection, shamanism, communication, NVC, compassion cultivation, and more.
These lessons have been honed over many years. Feel free to choose how many hours in the specified range you desire for the training to flesh out your curriculum.

I can also be a consultant to help make your teacher training as best as can be. Contact me if you need a writer or editor for your manual, a review of your website or curriculum, or help recruiting students or finding the best teachers for your needs.
For better idea of my lessons and to check out some of my free handouts, head over to the resources page.