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Living From the Heart
The Journey of Eighteen Inches
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In this talk, Zach discusses the long spiritual journey of eighteen inches: from the head to the heart. We have all been brought up to live in our minds and believe everything we think, including the belief of our ego as a separate entity. But once we tame the mind and drop into the nature of the heart, and undeniable love and joy naturally arises. We are able to feel both into our divine nature, and stay embodied in our physical lives.
There is a place in the heart where everything meets.Go there if you want to find me.Mind, senses, soul, eternity, all are there.Are you there?Enter the bowl of vastness that is the heart.Give yourself to it with total abandon….Once you know the wayThe nature of attention will call youTo return, again and again,And be saturated with knowing,“I belong here, I am at home here.”-Lorin Roche, Translation of The Radiance Sutras
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