In Part 2 of this two-part talk, Zach explores the path of Karma Yoga to love and liberation. First, we must understand the nature of suffering. Then, we can set the intention and aspiration to free ourselves
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Quotes from the episode:
Merit is the true cause of the body’s ease,
While happiness of mind is brought about by training.
What can sadden those who have compassion,
Who linger in samsara for the sake of beings?
Aspiration is the root of every virtue,
Thus the Mighty One has said.
And aspiration’s root in turn
Is constant meditation on the fruits of action.
The body’s pains, anxieties of mind,
Our every fear and trepidation,
Separation from the objects of our wanting:
Such is the harvest of our sinful deeds.
All the joy the world contains
Has come through wishing happiness for others.
All the mystery the world contains
Has come through wanting pleasure for oneself.
– Shantideva, The Way of The Boddhisattva
The way of the Gita is the way of a spiritual warrior, a peace warrior and an eco-warrior. The Gita calls a karma yogi one who is engaged constantly for the upliftment and well-being of the deprived and dispossessed, but who acts without desiring the fruit of his or her own actions. The Gita says that as the tree does not eat its own fruit and the river does not drink its own water, the karma-yogi should not seek any benefit of his or her own action.
– Satish Kumar
The fragrance of flowers drifts with the wind as sandalwood, jasmine of lavender. But the fragrance of good actions goes further than the wind, encompasses the world, and even goes to the heavens.
– Buddha
Delusion is seeing all things from the perspective of self. Enlightenment is seeing the self from the perspective of the myriad things of the universe.
– Dogen
The wise should act without attachment, intending to maintain the welfare of the world.
– The Bhagavad Gita