In this talk, Zach explores the unification of dualities, and how to live on multiple planes of awareness at the same time. We can simultaneously recognize we are both everything and nothing, both perfect and growing, both living and dying. Spirituality means releasing all rigid attachments to beliefs, thoughts, and opinions, and not clinging to any extreme.
Intro Poem is part of the Pebbles poetry collection, click here to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Pebbles-Zach-Beach/dp/B0B2V3VYW6
Learn more at www.zachbeach.com
“Love says ‘I am everything’. Wisdom says ‘I am nothing’. Between the two, my life flows.”
– Nisargadatta Maharaj
“Nothing in the universe resembles God so much as silence.”
– Meister Eckhart
“If you want to find the meaning, stop chasing after so many things.”
– Zen Poet Ryokan
“I gaze on myself
In the stream’s emerald flow
Or sit on a boulder by a cliff.
My mind, a lonely cloud,
Leans on nothing,
Needs nothing
From the world and its endless events.”
– Han Shan
“Delusion is seeing all things from the perspective of self. Enlightenment is seeing the self from the perspective of the myriad things of the universe.”
– Zen Master Dogen
“If it’s not paradoxical, it’s not true.”
– Shunryu Suzuki
“Hold the sadness and pain of samsara in your heart and at the same time the power and vision of the Great Eastern Sun. Then the warrior can make a proper cup of tea.”
– Chogyam Trungpa
“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.”
– Sophia Bush
“Here then,
Form is no other than emptiness,
Emptiness no other than form.
Form is only emptiness,
Emptiness only form.”
– Heart Sutra
Huike says to Bodhidharma, when finally given a chance to speak to him directly, “My mind is anxious. Please pacify it.” To which Bodhidharma replies, “Bring me your mind, and I will pacify it.” Huike says, “Although I’ve sought it, I cannot find it.” Bodhidharma then says, “There, I have pacified your mind.”