Don’t practice to heal yourself.
Don’t practice to fix yourself.
Don’t practice to improve,
redeem, or repair yourself.
Don’t practice because of the guilt
you’re not doing enough,
or not enough,
or could be more than you are.
Don’t practice because
something is wrong.
practice to love yourself,
to accept all parts of yourself,
to forgive yourself for being less than perfect.
Practice to pull your heart out
from drowning in a sea of exhaustion;
you soul
from the rubble of self-contempt.
Stop throwing darts at the mirror
and practice
to sit with your sadness,
to be your own best friend.
Practice to hold,
and to listen.
Don’t wait until you die to hear this.
Don’t wait until an avalanche
from your mountainous to-do list
threatens to consume your life.
Don’t make this another thing
to like, share, and reblog.
Become drunk on your passion.
Become alive in this moment.
Shine light on the plum trees inside you,
taste their sweetness inside your bones.
Practice not to become better,
but to simply be.